Champlain College – project

C h am p l a i n    C o l l e g e

Invitation and reply for the naming celebration of The Robert P. Stiller School of Business at Champlain College. Letterpress printed on bright white Crane Lettra paper in blue and mounted on cardstock. Envelope lined with school logo.

Detail of Invite


Menu (digitally printed)

Ocean House – project

O c e a n    H o u s e


Invitation for investors & guests for a weekend event at the Ocean House in Watch Hill, RI

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Invitation front + inside spread, letterpress printed in 2 colors.
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Bookmarks, letterpress printed in 1 color. You get one on your pillow at night!

Philadelphia Museum of Art – project

P h i l a d e l p h i a    M u s e u m    o f    A r t

Working with the buyers from the Philadelphia Museum of Art and inspired by the artists, Ellsworth Kelly, Brice Marden and Franz Kline, the following retail products were created for the “Embracing the Contemporary” exhibit.

Branded journals printed on Crane Lettra 220# with 50 pages of 60# cover French stock. Hand-tied with waxed linen string.

Journals whos designs were  inspired by Ellsworth Kelly, Brice Marden and Franz Kline.

Hanging Art – Letterpress printed on Crane Lettra 220#

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Note Cards w/envelopes printed on Crane Lettra

Georgia + Bob – wedding

G e o r g i a + B o b

Sometimes where you are getting married says it all, this invitations focus was the landscape. A photo of the view is mounted to a handmade paper wrap. Small fall leaves hint at the time of year. Letterpress printed in orange and brown.

Reply card letterpress printed in 2 colors

Welcome Booklet


Lynne + Brian – wedding

L y n n e + B r i a n

Elegant cream snowflakes printed on soft white for this winter wedding in Vermont. Wrapped in a Japanese paper with a simple waxed linen string tie. Letterpress printed in cream and grey.

Reply Card, letterpress printed in cream and grey

Other Events Card, letterpress printed in grey

Menu, letterpress printed in grey


Thank you cards and envelopes, letterpress printed in cream and grey

Outer envelope, lining and Wrap

Lisa + Aaron – wedding

L i s a + A a r o n

Simple style and a connection to China, hence the Asian lanterns and cherry blossoms. Letterpress printed in one color, mounted in tri fold pocket.

Other events card an reply with envelope

Invitation wrapped with cotton webbed ribbon


Bob + Dale – wedding

B o b + D a l e

Sharing the news of their wedding in style. Invitation, thank you cards and anniversary book all letterpress printed in 2 colors on Crane Lettra paper. Wedding pieces wrapped in a charcoal grey with the leaf letterpress closure.





A l l i s o n + K e i t h – wedding

A l l i s o n + K e i t h

Allison wanted a modern clean look for her invite. The color requested was similar to dirt and stone. Letterpress printed in taupe and brown.

Reply Wrap • outer • Letterpress printed

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Reply Wrap • Alternate view • Letterpress printed

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Extra Information Card • Letterpress printed

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Other Event Card • Letterpress printed

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Wedding Stationery • Folded Note Card • Letterpress printed

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Signage Stock • Created to make signs to be used at the event • Letterpress printed

Natalie + Terry


N a t a l i e  +  T e r r y

This invitation has a hand illustration of the venue that was digitally printed onto thick paper prior to letterpress printing. Initials created from the calligraphy make the perfect seal for the navy enclosure that houses the invite and reply. The hot air balloon was a surprise for Nat and Terry’s guests! On the lining of the envelope it marks the location of the wedding.

The farm has an old red truck that caught Terry’s eye, we incorporated it on the reply and place cards along with that hot air balloon.

Olivia + Peter

O l i v i a  +  P e t e r

A simple and elegant monogram graces Olivia and Peter’s wedding invitation, letterpress printed in black with a dark grey envelope lining.  The wedding suite is wrapped in vellum with a waxed linen string  holding all the important pieces together.


Letterpress printed reply card and weekend info card. An illustration of an old covered bridge in Woodstock, Vermont adds a little whimsy.


Letterpress printed thank you’s to match the invite suite.


Susan + Steve – wedding

S u s a n  +  S t e v e

Gardenia’s spell Romance! It is Susan’s favorite flower and she wanted it to be front and center. Shooting for an elegant old-fashioned look using a gardenia was the perfect inspiration. The envelope is lined with and an antique map of Vermont highlighting the Warren area where the wedding was held at The Pitcher Inn. The bear on the map is for Steve, he loves bears.

Detail of envelope and outer wrap, which is made of hand-made paper. The gardenia seal is mounted on an antique gold stock.

Mike Colón – logo

L O G O    D E S I G N



Mike Colón is an international lifestyle photographer.


Letterpress business card on in-house duplexed paper. A brown leather like paper with debossed logo and brown ink on reverse.


The Smiling Snail – logo

L O G O    D E S I G N

Part of the slow food movement in Vermont, The Smiling Snail creates delicious, healthy food that nurtures all using local, organic, and/or sustainably produced ingredients.

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Letterpress printed card in one color

Packaging design for quiche like food items

Icon buttons for illustrating Slow Food, Real Food Kitchen and Micro-Farm

Icon buttons created for use on brochures, advertising and website.

Perenial Studio – logo

L O G O   D E S I G N

Perennial Studio specializes in floral and event design for weddings.

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Business card is letterpress printed in two colors on Crane Lettra duplexed paper.

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Letterpress printed note card with envelope


Queen City Soil – logo

L O G O    D E S I G N


Charlie MacMartin of Queen City Soil & Stone is a master rock wall builder, who incorporates his design perfectly into any landscape.


Business card is letterpress printed on earthy tan paper in 2 colors.


Promotional card created to give to potential clients.

John McConnell Yoga – logo

L O G O    D E S I G N

John McConnell is an inspiring yoga instructor to a large following of students and a certified instructor to those who want to learn to teach.

Letterpress printed cards in one color and a blind deboss.

Jocelyn Filley Photography – logo

L O G O   D E S I G N


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Jocelyn Filley Photography specializes in wedding and family portrait photography.


The business cards are letterpress printed in two colors, tiffany blue and gold, on Crane Lettra duplexed paper.


Letterpress printed note card with matching envelope

Tri-fold letterpress printed promo pack with bio, place for a note and photos.

The Lantern Bar & Grill – logo




The Lantern Bar & Grill is a diner type restaurant that has been in business for over 85 years, passed on from fathers to sons. This logo was created to match the signage from the 1950’s.

Sensory Network – logo

L O G O    D E S I G N

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Sensory Network enables the pursuit of partnership and exploration of unique ideas with high-achieving individuals and institutions. This company is all about bringing ideas together and transformation.


Evolution 2 – logo

L O G O   D E S I G N

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Evolution Physical Therapy + Yoga and Evolution Prenatal + Family Yoga Center have been very successful. This is one of the “go to” yoga studios in Burlington, Vermont. With their grand success they needed to separate the business and create 2 new logos, highlighting each specialty.

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Vertical Logo

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Icons created for use with brochures, advertising and website

Evolution – logo

L O G O    D E S I G N

logo design

space bar

Evolution Physical Therapy + Yoga and Evolution Prenatal + Family Yoga Center have been very successful. This is one of the “go to” yoga studios in Burlington, Vermont. With their grand success they needed to separate the business and create 2 new logos, highlighting each specialty.

space bar

Vertical layout of logo

space bar

Icons created for use with brochures, advertising and website

Nido – logo

L O G O   D E S I G N


Nido is an upscale fabric and yarn shop located in Burlington, Vermont. It is a crafters heaven for fabrics sourced from as far away as Japan and Australia. Classes, both knitting and sewing are offered on a regular schedule.



The business card is letterpress printed in 3 colors


The gift certificate is digitally printed, mounted to chocolate card stock and wrapped with orange waxed linen string, it is a gift after all. Stitch lines grace the front of the closure


The class listings are digitally printed and describe all the offerings from Nido


Opening Party invitation


Store sinage

NVOS – logo

L O G O   D E S I G N



Northern Vermont Oral Surgery was in need of a serious update. Working closely with the staff and Dr. William Prudy I designed a new logo, collateral consisting of new letterpress business cards and notes as well as offset printed stationery, envelopes and appointment cards. A new website was also designed.


Letterpress printed business cards + note cards w/envelopes, offset stationery, envelopes and appointment cards.

KD Hill knitwear – logo

L O G O   D E S I G N

KD Hill Knitwear has been in business since 1994 knitting beautiful hats, scarves, ponchos, mittens, and babywear. Kathy contacted me because she was ready to update her look. Working with the linear structure of her medium we were able to agree this logo said it best. Soft and modern, just as her wares.




Alternate layouts


Business card layout



Hang tag design

A single Pebble – logo

L O G O    D E S I G N


space bar


A Single Pebble restaurant specializes in classic Chinese cuisine and has been open for 20 years. The owner commissioned a new logo to clearly reflect her story. That story is about gathering, discovering and connecting. The Chinese symbol in the new logo means “to gather”. Gathering is mandatory at A Single Pebble, where every table hosts a lazy susan and every dish begs to be shared and discovered.

space bar

Horizontal Logo, because vertical doesn’t work in every situation.

space bar

New menu designs for lunch and dinner.

UVM Alumni House

U N I V E R S I T Y  O F  V E R M O N T  A L U M N I  H O U S E

Promotional collateral for UVM Alumni House. 5 x 5 two sided post card digitally printed.

18 x 24 inch poster for UVM Alumni House

Spectrum Youth Fund Raiser

S P E C T R U M   Y O U T H   F U N D   R A I S E R

Spectrum Youth & Family Services does so much good for so many children and their families. Proud to have been a part of this event. A gorgeous classical concert on the shores of Lake Champlain in Vermont exceeded it’s goal. Front cover and inside of folded invite.


Front cover of invite. Digitally printed.


M O V I N G  C A R D

This moving card was created for a mother / daughter team leaving the mountains of Vermont for the city of Baltimore! The illustration shows mother and daughter with their two cats as they hit the road on their new adventure.

deanna hyslop – logo

L O G O   D E S I G N



Deanna is a behavior specialist who works with children and adults. Now branching out on her own, she needed a new logo. It was important that it represent science, nature, healing and emotion. The hexagon shape represents science and nature. The softened hexagons within represent the child, healing, and emotion.


Business card layout