A single Pebble – logo

L O G O    D E S I G N


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A Single Pebble restaurant specializes in classic Chinese cuisine and has been open for 20 years. The owner commissioned a new logo to clearly reflect her story. That story is about gathering, discovering and connecting. The Chinese symbol in the new logo means “to gather”. Gathering is mandatory at A Single Pebble, where every table hosts a lazy susan and every dish begs to be shared and discovered.

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Horizontal Logo, because vertical doesn’t work in every situation.

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New menu designs for lunch and dinner.

UVM Alumni House

U N I V E R S I T Y  O F  V E R M O N T  A L U M N I  H O U S E

Promotional collateral for UVM Alumni House. 5 x 5 two sided post card digitally printed.

18 x 24 inch poster for UVM Alumni House

Spectrum Youth Fund Raiser

S P E C T R U M   Y O U T H   F U N D   R A I S E R

Spectrum Youth & Family Services does so much good for so many children and their families. Proud to have been a part of this event. A gorgeous classical concert on the shores of Lake Champlain in Vermont exceeded it’s goal. Front cover and inside of folded invite.


Front cover of invite. Digitally printed.


M O V I N G  C A R D

This moving card was created for a mother / daughter team leaving the mountains of Vermont for the city of Baltimore! The illustration shows mother and daughter with their two cats as they hit the road on their new adventure.