Champlain College – project

C h am p l a i n    C o l l e g e

Invitation and reply for the naming celebration of The Robert P. Stiller School of Business at Champlain College. Letterpress printed on bright white Crane Lettra paper in blue and mounted on cardstock. Envelope lined with school logo.

Detail of Invite


Menu (digitally printed)

Ocean House – project

O c e a n    H o u s e


Invitation for investors & guests for a weekend event at the Ocean House in Watch Hill, RI

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Invitation front + inside spread, letterpress printed in 2 colors.
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Bookmarks, letterpress printed in 1 color. You get one on your pillow at night!

Philadelphia Museum of Art – project

P h i l a d e l p h i a    M u s e u m    o f    A r t

Working with the buyers from the Philadelphia Museum of Art and inspired by the artists, Ellsworth Kelly, Brice Marden and Franz Kline, the following retail products were created for the “Embracing the Contemporary” exhibit.

Branded journals printed on Crane Lettra 220# with 50 pages of 60# cover French stock. Hand-tied with waxed linen string.

Journals whos designs were  inspired by Ellsworth Kelly, Brice Marden and Franz Kline.

Hanging Art – Letterpress printed on Crane Lettra 220#

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Note Cards w/envelopes printed on Crane Lettra